Tips to improve communication skills
Communication skills are very important in life. Without good communication skills, you cannot crack interviews. Even in the personal life, good communication skills can become handy in forming good personal relationships with people around you. We have listed a few tips on improving your communication skills.

Learn to listen
When people are communicating with you, they want to be heard. Listening skills are a crucial part of the communication. If you listen to them properly, you will be able to respond in a better manner.

Talk according to the status of the person
The way you talk to your parents, friends, colleagues, boss and client are different. A boss will always remain a boss and a minor joke can offend your client. Think before you speak.

Work on your body language
While having a face-to-face conversation with someone, your body language plays an important role. Do not cross your arms and always make sure to maintain eye contact.

Check and recheck before hitting send button
No matter you are sending an SMS or an email. It does not matter if it is a formal or an informal one. One thing you have to make sure is that you check and recheck the message you are going to send. Do check for spelling and grammar as well if it is an official one.

Take notes
While having an important conversation with your boss or client, make sure to take notes. Notes can make it easier for you to act on the conversation in a proper manner.

Treat everyone equally
While talking to people who have lower status than you, respect them. Remember there is someone above you who can treat you the way you treat others.

Remain positive:
It is very important to have a positive attitude and smile while having a normal conversation. The expressions can vary according to the situation but positively should not turn away.