RBSE 5th, 8th Result 2024: The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) has been announced the class 5, 8 results 2024 today, 31 May, by the school education department secretary.
The students who participated in this RBSE examination can now check and download their scorecards by visiting the official website i.e. rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in.
Candiadtes will have to use their login details such as registration number and date of birth to download the Rajasthan board 5th, 8th result 2024.
Additionally, note that the RBSE Class 5 and 8 examinations 2024 were conduncted between the month of March - May.
RBSE 5, 8 Result 2024: Pass percentages
- Class 5 Pass Percentage: 97.06%
- Class 8 Pass Percentage: 95.72%
RBSE 5th and 8th 2024: Mark sheet
- Provisional Online Mark Sheet: The online results are provisional.
- Original Mark Sheet: Available from the students' respective schools.
RBSE 5th and 8th Result 2024: Details on scorecard
- Student's name
- Roll number
- School name
- Subjects and their codes
- Marks obtained in theory and practical exams
- Pass or fail status
RBSE 5th and 8th Result 2024: Grading system
- Grade A+: 91 to 100 marks
- Grade A: 76 to 90 marks
- Grade B: 61 to 75 marks
- Grade C: 41 to 60 marks
- Grade D: 0 to 40 marks
RBSE 5th and 8th Result 2024: Previous year statistics
- RBSE 5th Exams 2023:
- Total Students Cleared: 14,28,553
- Boys: 7,67,357
- Girls: 7,00,773
- Grades Distribution:
- A Grade: 2,71,679 students
- B Grade: 7,77,769 students
- C Grade: 3,68,817 students
- D Grade: 10,288 students
- Total Students Cleared: 14,28,553
- RBSE 8th Exams 2023:
- Overall Pass Percentage: 94.50%
- Total Students Appeared: 13,05,355
- Total Students Passed: 12,33,702