NEET UG Tie Breaking Policy Revised: Physics Marks Given Priority Over Biology in Case of Tie
NMC Revises NEET Merit List Regulations - PC : MRP Graphics
NEET Result 2023: Two days after concerns were raised regarding the NEET merit list, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has decided to modify the process for determining the rank of candidates who have the same NEET score.

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has made the decision to revise the process of determining ranks for candidates who have the same NEET score. Under the new regulations, priority will be given to marks obtained in Physics, followed by Chemistry and Biology. This is a departure from the current practice of prioritizing marks obtained in Biology, then Chemistry, and finally Physics.

NMC Revises NEET Merit List Regulations: Important Details

In line with the Graduate Medical Education Regulations-2023, a computer-based draw of lots will be conducted without human intervention to break ties in subject marks and create a merit list. These regulations, set to take effect in the upcoming academic year, were notified on June 2.

The National Testing Agency and the National Medical Commission will further discuss this matter. The regulations state that if there is a tie in marks among students appearing for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG), the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology will be considered in that order. If the tie persists, a computer-based draw of lots will determine the eligible candidates.

The NEET-UG results for this year were announced on June 13. Currently, a tie-breaker rule is applied when candidates achieve equal marks, with Biology carrying higher precedence. If the Biology marks are identical, the same rule is applied to Chemistry, followed by Physics. If the scores remain the same, the older candidate is ranked higher.

The new regulations also require MBBS students to complete their courses within nine years from the date of admission, with a limit of four attempts to clear the first year. Additionally, the NMC mandates a common counselling process based on the NEET-UG merit list for admissions to graduate courses in all medical institutions in India.

According to the regulations, a student admitted to a graduate medical education programme will only be considered to have completed their graduation after fulfilling their compulsory rotating medical internship, as per the Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship Regulations, 2021.

The counseling process will rely on the seat matrix provided by the NMC, and multiple rounds of counseling may be necessary. The notification from June 2 emphasizes the requirement for common counselling based on the NEET-UG merit list for admission to graduate courses in medicine in India.