Sarkari Exam: UPSC NDA-II exam is almost two months away, we should start revising for the exam as there is not much time to mug up everything. Here we have enlisted particular details about the NDA vacancy, Syllabus, Exam Pattern as well as its Selection Procedure. Have a look:

The applications are invited by UPSC for the posts of National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (NDA -II) Examination, 2019 (415 Vacancy). UPSC Vacancy Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below. Apply Online before 03 September 2019. The official website is

Vacancy details: 
Post: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (NDA-II) Exam 2019
No. of Vacancy: 415

Course/Posts wise UPSC NDA-II Vacancy Details:
National Defence Academy:

Army: 208
Navy: 42
Air force (including ground duties): 120
Naval Academy (10+2 cadet Entry Scheme): 45

The Selection Process of NDA/NA Exam includes three stages.

(I) Written Exam: The candidate will have to clear the written test conducted in Pen and Paper mode. The candidates will mention their answers in the OMR sheet using a black ballpoint pen. The total time allowed to complete the test is 2 hours and 30 minutes. One-third negative marks will be awarded for each wrong answer.
Mathematics  300
General Ability (English)  200
General Ability (General Knowledge)  400
TOTAL  900

(II) SSB Interview:  After the written exam, the candidates will go through SSB Interview with maximum marks of 900 marks. The final selection will be based on the performance in both written and interview exams.

NDA-II Syllabus:
According to the Exam Pattern, the syllabus can be divided into two sections. The topics asked in each section are mentioned below:

(I) Mathematics: Trigonometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential equations, Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions, Probability, Algebra, Vector Algebra, Matrices and Determinants: Types of Matrices, Determinant of a matrix, Statistics.
(II) a.) General Ability (Section I): English vocabulary, Grammar and usage, comprehension and cohesion and proficiency in English.
(II) b.) General Ability (Section II):  General Knowledge, Chemistry, Physics, General Science, History, Current Events & Geography.