There are some common mistakes that most of the students commit unknowingly. 

Students often commit mistakes while writing answers and loose marks. 

Here are few tips to help you to answer questions confidently. 

Time Management
The two or the three hours of exams are going to make or break your future. It is in your hands how effectively you can utilize that time. Divide your time for each section and do not spend too much time on one question. 

There is no use of running in the dark. Understand your syllabus and make sure to stick to the exam pattern. You can easily understand the pattern with the help of old papers and mock tests. 

Make Study Plan
Only you can understand what is more important and quicker for you every day. Make a schedule of your day-to-day life and studies and stick to the schedule. Make a room for relaxing as well. Proper sleep and sufficient time for eating properly are also important. Make sure to include every subject in our daily schedule.

Lack Of Strategy
Studying with enthusiasm sometimes doesn’t work in your favour. Without completing a subject, they jump to other, then other and so on. Always make a strategy plan.