UP Board Exam 2019: UP Board Exam 2019 is undoubtedly one of the country's toughest board exams, with lakhs of students appearing for the exam.

However, a few of them finally clear the in the first attempt with flying colours.

Do know the reason why students fail to crack the board exam. 
Well, the answer is they lack strategy.
A proper strategy and clear-cut concepts will help the student to distinguish from the crowd.  

Here are some tips that can help you overcome your fears while preparing for the competitive exam.

Correct strategy
In a bid to crack board exams, you should not only study hard but also know the correct strategy to prepare for the upcoming exams.

Always remember that marks will be allotted on how you present your answers. Students should learn the different styles of answering a question. UP Board has revised the syllabus. Candidates appearing for the UP Board exam should keep in mind that the syllabus acts as the course planning tool.

Students should always try the shortest approach to any question. They should not waste time and make silly mistakes. In a bid to lessen the time per question, students must know the shorter approach to solve it.
Practice mock tests as much as possible. It would help you to think faster and will also give you an exam like situation.

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