National Eligibility Test, a highly competitive entrance exam where lakhs of candidates appear for examination, is considered as an entry pass for candidates aspiring to pursue PhD or start a career as Professor.

As we enter December, the students who are getting ready to appear for UGC-NET 2018, they are left with three days preparation time.

National Testing Agency, NTA, is all set to conduct UGC-NET 2018 from December 18 to 22.

As we do in every major step we take in our life, preparation strategies are pivotal for career-deciding examinations like NET.

In a bid to eliminate last-minute hassles, you need to make a separate timetable to study every day in the last 2 months before NET exam.

Following tips will help you manage your time better and score well.

PlanNET aspirant must be able to tell which portion they must revise more. Make a study plan and stick to it. The study plan will help you to have a rough idea of the things you need to go through and then keep a check on your progress.

Fewer Books

We all know the proverb - Too many cooks spoil the dish. Therefore, the aspirant should read some selective books for reference or instant clarification of doubts. NCERT books are the best for NET. Understand the theories and cover most of the syllabus. Revise as much as possible Try and go through it again.

Strength and Weakness

Judge yourself.  Find out your strength and weakness to make use of time wisely.

Knowing this way you will be able to evaluate yourself and prioritize your time according to the level of confidence you have in any subject.

Also Read: UGC-NET 2018 Exam Guidelines


Exam Name: UGC- National Eligibility Test December 2018

Exam conducting authority: National Testing Agency   

Exam mode: The examination will be conducted online.

Exam date: NTA is all set to conduct UGC-NET from December 18 to 22, 2018.

Note: The entire team of My Result Plus wishes all the best to all candidates appearing for UGC -NET.