NIOS Exam 2022: National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is going to conduct the practical examinations for class 10th and class 12th in September-October 2022. Students are advised to check the practical exam schedule released by NIOS on the website NIOS practical examinations for both secondary and senior secondary will start on 16 September.

NIOS  Exam Schedule

According to the tweet of NIOS, NIOS Practical Exam for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses from September 16, 2022 Indian and foreign candidates can check the complete date sheet for more details about the scheduled date and subjects. The exam schedule for the written examinations of NIOS will also be released soon. NIOS Practical Exam will end on October 01, 2022. According to the notice released on Twitter, the detailed schedule of examinations will be pre-existing at each examination center based on the date sheet of the practical examination at the regional centres.
Admit card will also come in first week of September

The attendance sheets will also be made available on the website of NIOS shortly, which can be downloaded by the practical examination centres. As per the notice, the hall ticket for the practical exam will be issued in the first week of September. Once the hall ticket is issued, the link will be activated on the website for the candidates to be able to download them.
NIOS 2022 practical schedule: Steps to check

Step 1: Firstly visit the official website
Step 2: On the home page go to the notification section and click on the exam result.
Step 3: Scroll down and click on Practical Exam Notification October 2022.
Step 4: After that candidates download the schedule and take a print out of its copy.