IBPS has announced 4336 vacancies for the post of probationary officers to fill in 2019. The prelims exam is scheduled for October month. So, as the exam is approaching, its time for the aspirants to roll up their sleeves and start preparing for the exam seriously. 

Therefore, to help the students to crack IBPS PO  Preliminary 2019 we at results.amarujala.com are providing you preparation tips for IBPS PO.

For those who are engaged in preparations for the competitive exams, IBPS PO is one of the coveted exams that people eagerly wait for a year. With the IBPS PO Prelims Exam just a day ahead, it is now the time for it is now time to take your preparations to the next level.

Certainly, you are following the IBPS PO Study Plan for Prelims.  Many of you will be appearing in this exam for the first time and for many it might be second and third. No matter in what category you come, make the most the exam. Try to clear it. This article can help you to clear the IBPS PO Exam.   

Official Notification: IBPS 4336 PO Recruitment 2019: Candidates Can Apply Till August 28


How To Crack IBPS PO Prelims Exam In First Attempt

Use Shortcuts To Solve Questions

Do you use methods given in the textbooks? If your answer is 'Yes,' you might fail to attempt all questions.  The question asked under Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English Language categories are of 10th standard. And it will waste most of your time if you use methods given the textbook. So, use short and smart ways while solving questions.  

Practice Can Make You Perfect

Without Practice, no one can imagine gaining expertise in any field. Same applies to the IBPS PO Exams. Your performance in the exam depends on how much you have practised. You can start practising with the questions based on the latest exam pattern. It will improve your performance which can help you to crack the exam. 

Reduce Time And Increase Accuracy 

If you are taking too much time for small calculations, you will not be able to solve enough within the given time.  In competitive exams, you need to be accurate and fast. So, try to reduce the time you take calculations while increasing accuracy.  It can help you to crack IBPS PO even in the first attempt. 

Also Read: IBPS RRB PO Prelims Result 2019 Update, Here are the Steps to Check Scores

Expert Tips to Get Full Marks

1) Finding areas of improvement

If you are a banking aspirant then you should start by taking an IBPS PO mock test to know your weak areas. Don't let the result frighten you. It's just a way to know what you are good at and the areas that need more attention. IBPS PO mock tests to help you assess your strength and areas of improvement.

2) Time for tests

By the end of the month, you should start taking mock tests to assess your improvement in weak areas with consistency. This way will help you in the assessment of your performance and also optimize your time management and judgment skills.

3) Reading newspaper

Read the newspaper daily. It will not only help you in General awareness but also help in boosting your vocabulary, reading a comprehension and critical reasoning skills. Don't waste time reading the irrelevant news. Read editorials and the important news. Make a habit to prepare notes as you come across anything important.

4) Practice more and more

All-in-all, practice is the key to success. So, practice all kinds of IBPS PO related questions, clear your concepts and be comfortable and the D-day will be conquered.

5) Accuracy

It is almost impossible to answer all 100 questions in 60 minutes. But who's asking you to attempt all the questions? There's something called sectional cut off. So try to clear that with accuracy and strategize your time management skills accordingly to get through the exam.

6) Conceptual strength

Build your conceptual strength. A minor change in the pattern of the exam doesn't mean the difficulty level of exam is increased. Just concentrate to clear your basic concepts and make them strong by giving IBPS PO mock tests.

The IBPS PO is a test of your speed and accuracy so the faster you are the better it is. 

Note: Never take mocks until you are through with topics. Mocks are meant to instil your confidence not to demoralize you.