New Delhi

Ensuring transparency and quality education, the HaryanaBoard of School Education has set class IX / XI question papers for schools acrossstate.

While exam question papers has been sent to theschools, class IX and XI examination will start from February 25 and continuetill March 7.

According to reports, board invigilators will keepeyes on students trying to use unfair means duringthe examination.

The decision a week after Bihar SchoolExamination Board (BSEB) expelled 204 Class XII students for cheating in intermediateexamination.

The persons in Arwal and Gayadistricts were also arrested for helping the students during the boardexamination.

While the BSEB Class XII exam 2017started on February 14 amid the question paper leak allegations, 12, 61, 793students are appearing the in the state plus two examination. The exam will endon February 25.