The (CBSE) will upload the Admit Card/Hall Ticket for Class X and class XII examination 2015 on its official website.

According to a Board official "The Hall Ticket/Admit Card will be uploaded on February 05 on CBSE's official website."

Lakhs of students preparing for class 10th and 12th exams would take a sigh of after this announcement. The admit cards will be distributed to students after being uploaded.

The Class 10 exam will start on March 2 with 10 vocational subjects. The first major subject will be science on March 3, that would be followed by social science on March 10. Hindi A & B are on March 12 while the mathematics test is scheduled for March 16.

CBSE class XII students may opt for marks verification

The Senior Secondary (Class 12) examination 2015 will kick start with English Elective being the first paper on March 02. The examination will start on 10:30 AM.

CBSE Board exams to begin from March 2

According to the statement, the class X examination will take place from March 2 to March 26 and the class XII examination will be held from March 2 to April 17.

In all, about 13 lakh students would sit for the class X examination and about 10 lakh students would appear for the class XII examination.