Mostly a lot of people aspire to work in banks so they start preparing to have a career in the sector. Students from commerce stream start preparing for banking jobs as it is one of the competitive exams.

Mostly aspirants cannot be able to qualify examination of banks in the first attempt, but they give several attempts until they get through it. With good preparation tips, anyone can qualify for the exam.

Here some tips are mentioned which will be helpful for your banking exam preparation.

1. Practice with different categories quiz: Questions of the exam may vary upon the subject and bank. But mostly bank exams follow similar patterns. Candidates should have knowledge about how to deal with the question in a very short time. Candidates can start their preparation with different quizzes like Quantitative Aptitude quiz, Reasoning Quiz, Quiz for English Preparation and GK Quiz.

2. Practice Mock Test Online: Without having real-time practice, most of the aspirants take a long time during the examination. The real-time experience will give you confidence and idea to handle various kind of question in bank exams. With the help of the internet, the candidate can practice online Mock test for an instant boost to self-examine the ability.

3. Revise the whole syllabus: The candidates should revise or take a look at their syllabus before starting their exam preparation. Revising syllabus will help you to get the idea about in which topic they have to put much effort.

In Preliminary exam candidates have to qualify these subjects:
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability
English Language

In Main Exam students will get these topics to cover:
General Awareness
Banking Awareness
Computer Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability
English Language

After qualifying the examination, candidates have to attend the group discussion or interview.

4. Make time-table: For the preparation of bank examination, aspirants should make time-table according to their number of the subject. The proper time-table will help you to cover each topic within time or you can save sufficient time for the revision by going through the timetable. Study daily at least 10 hours.

5. Prepare notes: First of all clear the basic concept of different topics. Short notes will be much helpful for the revision or clear any doubts. With the help of short notes, candidates can revise big topics in short form in a shorter period of time.

6. Focus on GK topics: Along with theory-based topics, GK questions are asked from current affairs in the exam. In this subject, the candidate can score good marks if they have good general knowledge. For this, candidates should start reading daily newspaper and magazines for boosting their general knowledge.

7. Sharpen your mental math skills: As you are banking aspirants, so your mathematics should be sharpened, faster and correct. In order to sharpen the calculation speed, try to visualize the calculation in your brain so that the visualization skills should also be developed.

8. Learn proper techniques: Learning proper techniques, tips and tactics is the most important part to increase calculative skills. Try to learn the techniques from an experienced teacher, the internet or any math book and must apply on the spot.

9. Challenge Yourself: During preparation candidates have time to do practice as much as they can. Candidates should challenge themselves. The challenge is the only way through which candidates would perform and give its best. Try to make the progress with every step you go ahead with.

10. Do not start a new topic at the last moment: At the last moment, candidates became panic or try to cover everything. But it should not happen. Don’t start a new topic at the last moment, it makes you confuse. So, just go with whatever you have studied and written your paper with confidence and peace.