RRB Group D Exam creates confusion in the minds of aspirants about how to prepare for the examination without stress and difficulty.

Therefore, we have enlisted the tips for the candidates who have engrossed themselves completely for the exam of RRB/RRC Group D.

Study Material for Hindi and English Medium Students

RRB Group 'D' 2019 Practice Set

- For general awareness, foster a habit of reading newspapers, watching news channels and keeping a regular check on the different current affair websites. 

- For the reasoning section, it is necessary to understand the question carefully to come out with the most appropriate option. Analyse the information provided in the question to solve it intellectually. 

- For the quantitative aptitude section, candidates must have the clarity of basic concepts, formulas, and short tricks to solve the varieties of questions asked in the exam.

- For the English section, there is a constant need to read the newspaper to enhance the vocabulary and grammar section. Pick out the difficult word, find it antonyms, synonyms, homophones and make sentences to memorize it.

- Instead of locking yourself up in the room for 4-5 hours in continuation, take regular breaks to stay energetic and refreshed. Have healthy meals, keep a water bottle near you and eat fruits/ nuts/ vegetables. 

- Mock tests provide the platform to keep a check on the preparation strategy. Consider giving the mock tests and practice a little harder after knowing the weaknesses and strengths. 

- Revising the study material prior to the exam can't be excluded from the schedule to score good marks. Memorising Whatever, have you learned from the beginning have underlying importance.

- Teacher's guidance is one of the important aspects of the preparation strategy. Whether it's the exam topper or the mentor, follow the tips provided by them in order to ace the exam.

- Attempting any question which you don't know can be risky because of negative marking. Therefore, while solving practice papers, pay attention to attempt the questions you are sure about. Since it will assist you to know your true preparation.
Detailed information is available here.