Today is the last day to apply for the NIOS 3rd D.El.Ed exam.


The registration process will end today i.e. October 15, 2018 for the third edition of the exam for untrained in-service teachers.

The aspirants can visit the official website to apply by depositing applications fee for Rs 1000

The examination for 506 and 507 modules will be conducted in December.

As for the 508, 509,/510 modules, the examination will be conducted in February-March 2019.

The 1st exam for NIOS D.El.Ed. 2018 was conducted in May-June and recently the results were released.

The 2nd exam for the NIOS D.El.Ed. 2018 got over on September 29 which started on September 25.

For the 1st exam, around 12 lakh candidates appeared.

Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) is a professional compulsory course of two years.

The course can be done by all the aspirants who wish to work as a government employed a teacher in government colleges and institutes in Uttar Pradesh.

Through this course, a candidate becomes eligible to teach the students from Class 1 to Class 8.

Aims and Objectives

To make the teacher able to understand and address diversity in their context.

To encourage the teachers to improve the quality of classroom processes.

To develop capacity in the teachers so that they are able to promote child-friendly, child-centered processes in school.


Eligibility Criteria

The teachers working at Elementary level (Classes I-VIII) who is untrained are eligible to appear for the exam.

The teacher must have a Senior Secondary Qualification or its equivalent with an aggregate of at least 50% marks.

For the admission in the course B.A./B.Sc. Qualification will be eligible.

A relaxation of 5% marks is given to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes.