Diwali is one festival; everyone waits for the whole year.

The nation celebrates this festival irrespective of the religion with crackers, decorations, delicious food, and many more things.

Diwali comes with a lot of holidays as well and it slightly painful when you have an exam post-Diwali vacations.

There is no need to panic or feel depressed you can manage the festival and studies with an ease, we have listed a few of the tips on study management for your post-Diwali exams.

Time Management:
If you have not started the preparations then you have to start with prioritizing the subjects. Start with the topic which scores more.

Choose the early morning time for the preparation as there will be no noise pollution and you will not get disturbed with the festivities.

Try to write what you are studying so that you will be able to remember for quite a long time.

Make study sessions in the first half of the day and the rest of the day you can celebrate the festival. Also, it is important to choose the place for study; opt for the room which is quieter.

Self-motivation is the most important aspect; don’t get disheartened if you are unable to enjoy the festival fully. Think about the goal you have been aspiring through this exam.

Motivate and praise yourself with good food and amazing sweets to keep you going.

Think about the time when you will clear the exam with flying colors.

If you have already prepared yourself for the exam, then do try to take self-assessment test. Go through the last 10 years test or mock test and try to practice as much as you can.

While attempting mock tests, one must stick to the deadlines and should attempt questions within the stipulated time frame.

This gives you an upper hand as to how much time would typical questions demand. And keep eye on the clock and try not to rush while giving exams.

Try to give deadlines to yourself and also complete the major chunk of the subject in a day along with the self-assessment.

Work according to the timetable and the plan you have made for the preparations. Take a stopwatch while doing the mock tests.

And segregate time for revision and re-revision and for the test as well.
Have a happy Diwali and all the best for your exams.