CAT is not about getting the answers right but getting the answers right within a specific time frame

Less than 45 days are left for the Common Admission Test, popularly known as CAT, most of the students are looking for last minute tips to get high percentile. 

How to utilise this time? What to do during this one and a half month span? How to crack the exam with confidence?
Dont worry..... We will give you tips on this.

As we know that CAT is all about verbal and non-verbal reasoning, English and speed along with accuracy.
Remember...Toppers don’t do different things but they do things differently. That’s what you should adopt. 
You have to analyse where you are lagging and where improvement and last minute effort are required. 

CAT is not about getting the answers right but the getting the answers right within a specify time frame. It is considered as entry-pass to the Global Business Schools. 

If you are preparing for CAT then the following strategies will help you in cracking the exam.
Let us talk about the format of the exam. 

The current format of CAT is such that it has three sections. You have analyse where you need to emphasis more.  
Section One - Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

The best way to improve verbal ability and reading comprehension is to practice mock exam paper online. 

Section Two - Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
If you want master logical reasoning then practice and practice as you because practice makes a man perfect. 
Section Three - Quantitative Ability

Mathematics is driven by concepts and to improve your performance in this section, clarity of concepts is essential. 
The most important thing is treat each section one hour paper and not one three hour question. This is because if one section goes bad then it will carry forwarded the next section. You get different percentile for each section. 

You must concentrate on all the sections of quantitative aptitude, reasoning, data interpretation, English, G.S, etc. Make sure to dedicate more time to the weaker section of yours.

Now comes the time management part while answering the questions. You cannot take many minutes to solve one question. If you think the question is going to take much of your time, skip it and move on. The questions are many and the time is limited so always have a stop watch by your side. 

For non-English background aspirants, the exam is tough because one-third of the weight is through the English language. But it will become easy for them if they study strategically. 

Well, CAT will be held on 26 November 2017. Best wishes to all the students. 

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