India's Shweta Ratanpura has created history by winning a Bronze medal at the 45th World Skills Competition held at the KAZAN EXPO International Exhibition Centre in Kazan, Russia. 

Shweta Ratanpura is the first-ever woman candidate from India to win a medal at the World Skills.

 22-year-old Shweta bagged a bronze medal in the graphic design category. She is a graphic designer at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.
About the World Skills 2019 Event:

The World Skills 2019 event was held in Russia. The event was attended by 63 countries. More than 1350 participants took part in it. 

India sent a 48-member contingent to the event, which was attended by 63 countries. The team participated in 44 categories. India managed to secure the 13th position at the event.

The Indian contingent won a total of 19 medals at the competition including - one Gold, one Silver and two bronze medals along with 15 medals of excellence.

There were competitions in 56 skills across a wide range of industries — from mobile robotics, prototype modelling, hairdressing, baking, confectionery and patisserie, welding, brick laying, car painting and floristry.

To appreciate their achievement, the skills Ministry released a statement which reads, “Blazing a trail of glory for India at the global stage, the 48-member Indian team returned with the best-ever finish at the WorldSkills International Competition 2019 in Kazan, Russia by winning 19 medals and medallions of excellence.”

Other Achievements:

S Aswatha Narayana from Odisha won a gold medal in water technology, Pranav Nutalapati from Karnataka won a silver medal in web technologies while Sanjoy Pramanik from West Bengal won the bronze medal in jewellery. The other 15 awards were the medals of excellence. 

In 2017,  Abu Dhabi, India stood at 19th position with 11 medals at the World Skill event. This is India's best performance at the event so far and is an improvement from last event's rank - 19.