Today is Hindi Day 2019. On this occasion, we are providing interesting information about this language, which every Indian must know. There are many things in it that will make you proud to be associated with Hindi.
Hindi is a native language for 2.5 million people and is ranked as the fourth largest language in the world.
Apart from this, Hindi is the mother language for about 18 crore people of India. There are about 300 million people who use Hindi as their second language.
There are about 150 countries in the world where Hindi speaking people are present.
The roots of Hindi are associated with the Sanskrit language spoken from around 5,000 BCE.
Hindi is a Persian language word. The Hindi word is derived from Sindhu (Sindh) because 'H' is pronounced as 'H' in Iranian language. The Hindi word is a counterpart to the word Sindhu.

The language we know today as Hindi is one of the modern Aryan languages.

Hindi is one of the easiest languages. Which can be read exactly as it is written.

Hindi is included in the world's strongest languages. According to the Power Language Index prepared by the World Economic Forum, by the year 2050 Hindi will be one of the powerful languages of the world.

Hindi day is celebrated every year on 14 September. Because on the same day in 1949, the Constituent Assembly decided by one vote that the official language of India would be Hindi and the script Devanagari.

You will be surprised to know that there are about 9 thousand websites of the Central and State Governments which open in English first.

According to a report, on an average 32 apps in the smartphone of Indian youth are 8 to 9 Hindi. Indian youth watch 93 per cent of Hindi videos on YouTube.
Demand for Hindi content in digital media is increasing at around 94 per cent. Whereas, the demand for English content is much less.
Speaking at the state level, Hindi is the official language of states like Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
In the year 1918, Mahatma Gandhi had asked to make the Hindi language a national language in Hindi Sahitya Sammelan. Gandhiji also called Hindi the language of the people.