Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board is preparing for the recruitment of about 25,000 Police constables in the state. The recruitment for the police constable post is applicable for both males as well as female candidates. As per the media reports, UPPRPB has sent a proposal to the state government to conduct recruitment for 25,000 constable posts.

According to the notification issued on 16th November 2018 for the recruitment on 18,208 posts of 31,360 constables civil police and constable regional commanded constabulary, the minimum height of male candidates from general category, OBC and scheduled caste is 168 cm, while the height of Scheduled Tribe candidates should be at least 160 cms. Apart from this, the minimum height standard for women candidates of the general category, other backward classes and scheduled castes have been kept at 152 cms. Also, this minimum height has been kept 147 cm for the female candidates of Scheduled Tribes.

Candidates who applied in this recruitment were to be selected on the basis of merit list of successful candidates in written test, document test, PST & PET, medical test. In such a situation, soon the same rules can be applied in the constable recruitment to be held on 25,000 posts. However, there has been no official notification released for the same. 

Male candidates applying for UP Police constable recruitment have to run 4.8 km while female candidates have to run 2.4 km. For this, where male candidates are given 25 minutes, the female candidates will have to complete the race in 14 minutes. However, this information has been shared on the basis of the notification issued for the previous recruitment. If any change is made in the new recruitment, the information about the changed rules will be made available to the candidates. The candidates are advised to regularly check the official website of UPPRPB at uppbpb.gov.in.