The learning process of children depends on the environment in which they spend most of their time and the experiences that unfold before them. The pandemic left its footprints on the young minds which is hard to be forgotten. It is not wrong to say that the coronavirus pandemic affected the social, economic, and physical wellbeing of the communities across the globe where students are the ones who are impacted the most. 


Many of the researchers have discussed the reasons behind the student’s mental wellness being at stake. The reason behind all this includes isolation, physical distancing, shift to virtual education, loss of playtime, and many more. These subjective elements have created complicated emotions among the students. Majorly, shutting down schools has resulted in the mental breakdown of students due to separation from their peers. The blow is so hard that many of the students are not in a stable condition to perform their day-to-day activities successfully. 


How to Nourish the Young Minds amid Covid-19 Pandemic?

  1. The academic burden should be reduced. 

  2. Encouragement for self-reflection activities.

  3. Plan the post-pandemic period and increase interaction. 

  4. Make sure to meet their playtime requirements.

  5. Adapt anxiety management and problem-solving approach.

The return to normal classes, playtime, interaction with friends, and performing extra-curricular activities can be the remedy to all the wounds. Many educators believe that young minds are meant to be set free. After the first lockdown across the country, the students had some hope of going back to school shortly but the situation knocked over in no time. In a situation where a student is isolated with unfamiliar marks, the parents and educational institutes should take a step forward in keeping a check on mental health.