Most of the people aspire to become IAS and try to crack the UPSC exam, but the only a handful get through the exam. One of the candidates is Pranjal Patil, India's first blind IAS officer took the post of Sub-Collector in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala.

On reaching his office, people welcomed him. She was welcomed by the people by giving her a bouquet of flowers. Pranjal belongs to Ulhasnagar in Maharashtra. In 2016, he passed the UPSC examination, in which he was ranked 773.

Pranjal was just six years old when one of his classmates injured him by hitting a pencil in one of his eyes. After that, Pranjal's eyesight deteriorated. At that time, the doctors told their parents that in future they might lose sight of their other eye as well and unfortunately, the doctors proved to be true.

After some time Pranjal lost sight of both eyes. Pranjal's parents never let their blindness come in the way of their education. He got Pranjal admitted to the blind school in Dadar, Mumbai. Pranjal also passed the examination of 10th and 12th with very good marks and secured the first position in the Faculty of Arts in Chandibai College in 12th.

Pranjal had told in an interview that 'I used to go from Ulhasnagar to CST every day. Everybody used to help me, sometimes in crossing the road, sometimes in boarding the train. Some others used to say that I should study in a college in Ulhasnagar, but I would only tell them that I have to study in this college and I have no problem with commuting every day. '