The Indian armed forces have evolved a lot in the current period and are generating many options for Girls to be a part of it.

On the other had even women are also showing an equal level of determination and enthusiasm to get into forces.

After the decision to induct women in the military police to enhance the representation in the armed forces by Defence Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman, many women aspire to be a part of Central Women Military Police.

So here’s a success story of a girl Bheemakka M Chavan, which is a blend of hard work and determination.

According to the New Indian Express, Bheemakka M Chavan belongs to a remote Madikppa village in Dharwad district.

She beat several odds to land in the job as a military police officer.

Bheemakka completed her school education from a rural area Veerapur. The dream of becoming a military police officer developed in her while she was pursuing her graduation in PU Commerce at Karnatak College in Dharwad.

The passion of serving the armed forces was increased to a level that she joined NCC during her college.

Even after the hectic hours of her studies in college, she managed to take out time for her daily exercise to maintain physical fitness.

One of her relatives, watching her hard work and dedication suggested her to join Rural Youth Defence Academy in Kittur.

Bheemakka took training for two months during her college vacations. The guides in the academy aided her from the first step of filling up the forms and helped to her to get to her dream position.

Bheemakka proved that if the humiliation of the society is converted into a positive attitude anything is possible.