UPSC IES, ISS, CMS 2024 Exam Schedule: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the schedule for the Indian Economic Services and Indian Statistical Services examinations 2024. The candidates who applied for the tests can check the UPSC IES 2024 and UPSC ISS 2024 exam schedule by visiting the official website i.e.

According to the schedule, the exams will be held on June 21 in multiple shifts for different subjects. The commission will conduct the exams to fill up a total of 48 vacancies including 18 vacancies in the Indian Economic Service and 30 vacancies in the Indian Statistical Service.

The UPSC CMS 2024 will be held in two shifts on July 14. In the first shift, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, candidates will write the General Medicine and Paediatrics (paper 1) exam.