Despite being having the best resume and strong skills, you cannot find the job most of the times. The reason for this is the lack of strong professional reference.
References now play a major role in securing a job. Professional references give your positive feedback to the recruiters, but it is important to be careful about choosing a reference and using them right.

If you don’t do this, there is a chance to lose the job offer.
Here are some of the mistakes related to the ‘use of the reference’, which will prove to be a work to avoid.

Non-preparation of references
- Many interviewers already tell you that they will speak to your reference. In such a situation, you should inform your references that they will receive a call. Also, submit a copy of your updated resume. Share job description so that they can get information about the position you have applied for.

Regarding referencing his name without resigning
Even though the reference is a normal process related to the job, but most job seekers forget to take permission from the concerned person before adding the reference to the resume. They assume that whose reference is given, they will be happy to help you. It is important to inform them before giving any reference to anyone.

Assume that your feedback will be good
Whether you believe you are a great employee, but it is not necessary that your old manager also thinks the same. If future recruiters have received negative feedback from your old supervisor, then the company would never call you. In such a situation, if you have any doubts about your reference then remove them from your list and choose another person.

Wrong people's reference
Never use friends and family members as references. Eventually, the recruiter does not want those people to tell you about your personality, but they want to hear from people who can tell about your career skills and work ethics.

Thank you after the interview
Remember your reference is not only taking time out for you but also facing for you. In such a way, email them a ‘thank you’. This small effort will also strengthen your image in their eyes.