IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 Exam Tips: If you are going to take the IBPS Clerk exam for the first time and want to clear it at your first attempt, then this article is especially for you. Through this article, we will tell you what kind of mistakes the candidates are making, and along with this, we will also give you some important insights on the preparation tips.

So let's first know what kind of mistakes the candidate is making.

1 Do not use shortcuts while solving questions
the frequently asked question in the exam are mainly from the Class 10th.

But if you solve problems with given methods in books while presenting Examinations, then you will be able to solve very few questions while giving the Examinations.

Candidates have to get the maximum number of questions to be corrected in less time while giving banking examination, for which candidates have to seek help from short tricks and shortcut solutions.

The candidates preparing for the first time understand this matter late and this is a major reason for their failure.

2 Do not pay attention to your calculating speed
To solve more and more questions in a short time, the pace of calculation must be faster.

If a candidate is taking too much time in small calculations then he will not be able to solve more questions while giving the examination.

The first time the candidates preparing often do not pay attention to their calculation speed, and this also makes a big reason for their failure.

3 Ignoring Time Management
The role of Time Management and Order of Attempts is most important when applying IBPS clerk exams.

At the time of giving an examination for better performance, it is very important to know which kind of questions to be asked in the first section and what kind of questions are most important to all these things.

Keeping this in mind, any candidate can perform well in Exam. But for the first time, candidates do not take care of these things while giving examination and this is also a major reason for their failure.

4 No Practice from the Questions Based on Latest Pattern
For the first time, most of the candidates preparing for IBPS Clerk start reading from Basics, which is a good thing.

But for better preparation, solving basic questions, as well as the practice of questions based on the latest patterns, is more important. But the candidates preparing for the first time remain attached to the Basic Questions only.
5. Mock Test or lack of practice
To qualify for IBPS Clerk, it is important to also clear the sectional cut-off along with the over the cutoff.

Often it has been seen that the candidates who give examinations for the first time either do not clear the sectional cut-off or the Overall cut off.
All this is due to lack of Mock Test or lack of practice.
For the first time, most candidates preparing for IBPS Clerk do not give Mock Test and do not practice properly. Because of this, they cannot properly manage the time while giving exams and this is also a major reason for their failure.
So these were some of the common mistakes that most candidates prepare for the first time. Let us now know how to prepare the IBPS Clerk for the first time, how to prepare candidates so that they clear it in their first attempt.

1: Understand the Latest Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Before starting any examination, it is very important to understand his syllabus or exam pattern and this is also applicable in the preparation of banking exams. First of all, understand the Exam's latest syllabus or Exam Pattern and then create a Study Plan. How many days to read which topic and how much time practice or revision should be given? All these things should be in your Study Plan. Strictly implement the study plan after making it.
2. Be sure to analyze the bank exams in the past year and recent
During the preparation, you should also know about the types of questions that are being asked in exams and the last time that the cut-off of that exam was gone. Based on all these things, you should create a strategy to give examination and also keep these things in mind when giving a Mock Test.
3: Identify your Weakness and try to remove it
Your calculation speed may be slow or you may have confusion in any particular topic of mathematics, you will find out from all of your weaknesses practising as much as possible. Identify all these weaknesses and try to overcome them.
4. Give Mock Test Much
To prepare for IBPS Clerk, you must definitely attempt at least one Mock Test every day and must take an analysis of it after attempt. Only through analysis will you know about your mistakes and weaknesses. Know your weaknesses and try to solve them as soon as possible.
5. The study, Revision and Practice, do all three work days
To prepare for the preparation of IBPS Clerk is as much important as the Revision and Practice. If you are reading a new topic but are not revising the old, then you will soon forget old reading and your hard work will be useless.

Therefore, during the preparation, you have to take equal care of all the three things about Study, Revision and Practice. So these were some ways and tips, to crack IBPS Clerk in First Attempt. Along with hard work during the preparation, if you keep these things in mind, you will surely get success.