UP Board Result 2020: 10th Pass Students Also Have Opportunity To Go for This Government Job
UP Board Result 2020 - PC : My Result Plus
UP Board class 10, 12 results 2020: Get a job after passing class 10th becomes a bit challenging. But it is not like a government job is not an option anymore. Many government institutions get jobs applications from 10th pass and also have few opportunities in the sector. Similarly, SSC also conducts the MTS exam for the 10th pass. Know more about this exam:

Eligibility Criteria:
If you are between 18 and 25 years of age for the MTS exam, and 10th pass from any recognized institute, then you are eligible to apply for this post.
Exam Pattern:
To be selected on this post, the candidate has to take the exam in two stages. The first phase of the exam is online, in this exam questions related to Reasoning, English, General Awareness, etc. come.
SSC MTS Paper-1
Number of subject questions
  • Reasoning- 25 questions
  • English language- 25 questions
  • Numerical Aptitude- 25 Questions
  • General Awareness- 25 questions
Duration: The candidates are given 90 minutes' time for this examination.
SSC MTS Paper - 2
The second paper of SSAC MTS contains short essays/ papers in the English language or any other language in the 8th schedule. The primary language skills of the candidate are tested through this paper. In this exam, the candidate is given 30 minutes.
The selection of farmers in MTS is done by the Staff Selection Commission on various posts like Peon, Daftary, Farash, Chowkidar, Safaiwala, Mali, etc.
UP Board Result 2020 class 10th and 12th:

To make this time (the time before the result) stress-free, we are going to provide you your re as soon as it gets declared, for that, you need to Register here For UP Board 2020 Class 10 & UP Board 2020 Class 12th Results.

UP Board 10th Result 2020: How to Download?

Step 1: Visit this page
Step 2: Provide required details such as roll number and email id
Step 3: Check credentials very carefully.
Step 4: Submit our details 
Step 5: Download the UP Board Class 12 Result 2020 and take a printout for further