Deadline Today to Apply for 2500+ Posts in MPPEB Group 3 recruitment 2022
MPPEB Recruitment 2022 - PC : My Result Plus

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) will close the application window for the Group-03 Sub Engineer, Draftsman, and other posts combined recruitment test 2022 today, August 23. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for these vacancies by visiting the official website

Candidates who will successfully complete the application form can make changes to their submitted forms till August 28.

The MPPEB recruitment 2022 is being conducted to fill up a total of 2557 vacancies. As per the original notification, the recruitment examination is scheduled to be conducted on September 24 in two shifts — 9.00 AM to 12.00 noon and 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM. 

Direct Link: MPPEB Group 3 recruitment 2022 official notification.

MPPEB recruitment 2022: Eligibility Criteria

There is specific eligibility criteria for each post and candidates are advised to visit the official website and go through the official notification to know the educational and other criteria required to apply for a particular post.

MPPEB recruitment 2022: Application Fee

Candidates belonging to the unreserved category are required to pay an application fee of Rs 500, whereas candidates categorised as reserved are required to make a payment of Rs 250.

MPPEB Group 3 recruitment 2022: Steps to apply

Step 1: Visit the official website of MPPEB

Step 2: Click on the apply link for Group-03 Sub Engineer, Drafts\man and Other Post Combined Recruitment Test - 2022

Step 3: Create a new profile to register and apply for the post

Step 4:Upload Personal detail, educational details, and other required documents and then make the payment of the Application fee 

Step 5: After completion of the process, submit the application form and Download the copy of the completed form.

Direct Link: MPPEB Recruitment Application Link