UP Board 12th BIOLOGY-I model paper: With Special tips
As the Uttar Pradesh Board Examination 2016 are coming near, we are bringing you the latest model papers. This is in tune with the examinations which are set to start from February 18, 2016.

We here at results.amarujala.com bring fresh model papers for students preparing for the board exams, so that students can have a well guided preparation before examination.

We are here bringing the latest model paper of  class 12,Biology-I, been prepared by Anurag Mishra, Lecterer, Queens Inter College, Lucknow.

Tips by Anurag Mishra:

1. Try to make pictures technically well, rather than focusing on it's beautification.

2. Try to do different parts of a question together.

3. Try to answer the question to the point.

4. Try to solve last 5 years boards papers.

5. Put Special focus on the time management.

6. Make pictures only where it requires, as it will save time.

6. Try to practise all questions by writing them.


Students across the state who would appear in Board exams are advised to visit our website (http://results.amarujala.com/) on regular basis to get every single update for their results to be announced once the examination will be over.