JoSAA Counselling 2023: Last Chance to Change Option After 5th Round Seat Allocation, Check Details
JoSAA 2023 Counselling - PC : MRP Graphics
JoSAA 2023 Counselling Round 5: After the seat allotment of the fifth round of JoSAA counselling for more than 57 thousand seats in 116 institutes, including IITs and NITs across the country, students will have to complete online reporting by 5:00 pm on July 24, 2023.

Candidates are required to respond to any queries received by JoSAA regarding deficiencies in the uploaded documents by 5:00 pm on July 25; otherwise, they will be excluded from the counselling process. Students will have the final option to change their counselling choice from float and freeze to slide to float and freeze until July 24, 2023.

Education expert Amit Ahuja said that in the fifth round of JoSAA counselling seat allotment, a student ranked 10,05,918 from the gender-neutral pool quota has been allotted the civil branch from the home state quota at NIT Sikkim in the open category. Along with this, the closing rank of IIT from the gender-neutral pool quota was 16,607, which is for the five-year intra-disciplinary science course of IIT Dharwad.
On the other hand, a girl with a rank of 10,14,892, including super numerical seats from the female pool quota, got the mechanical branch from the home state quota at NIT Mizoram in the open category. Also, the closing rank of IIT in the female pool quota was 24,882, which is for the five-year interdisciplinary science course at IIT Dharwad.

Keep This in Mind Before NIT-IIIT Seat Withdrawal

According to Expert Ahuja, even after the seat allotment of the sixth round of JoSAA, those students who will not be satisfied with their allotted NIT-TripleIT college and want to withdraw the seat acceptance fee by leaving the seat can do so by 5:00 pm on July 27. These students will have to withdraw by giving the reason for withdrawal on the option given on the JoSAA website.
JoSAA will return the remaining amount after deducting the processing counselling fee of Rs 4,000. Students have the last chance to withdraw their seats. After this, there will be no seat or fee withdrawals. Apart from this, CSEB counselling will be held in two rounds from August 3 to August 21 for the vacant seats at NIT, TripleIT, and GFTI. Students can participate in further counselling by withdrawing or withholding the allotted seat from JoSAA counselling for CSEB counselling to get the above-mentioned college seat as per their rank. If no new college seat is allotted in CSEB counselling, then they will be re-allotted the seat they got in JoSAA.