The document verification for the UPPSC RO/ARO 2017 posts begins today i.e. May 27, 2020, by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC).
An official notice was released regarding the same on the official website i.e.

The candidates who have qualified the exam can visit the official website and check the notice.

Candidates who have qualified the examination will have to appear for the document verification process from 10 am to 12 noon.

The records of successful candidates will be verified on May 27 and 28 for RO, ARO, and ARO posts. Along with this, the Commission has also released the program of verification of records of successful candidates for 582 posts of RO, ARO, ARO Accounts, and RO Hindi and Urdu in Uttar Pradesh Secretariat, as per the official notice.

The commission would assign them another date to appear for the verification round, in case the candidates are not able to attend the document verification process.
For the candidates who are suffering from fever, cough, and cold would also be given another date to appear for the verification. The new dates would be given by UPPSC soon.

The document verification for the UPPSC RO/ARO 2017 posts begins today i.e. May 27, 2020, by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC).
- An official notice was released regarding the same on the official website i.e.
- The candidates who have qualified the exam can visit the official website and check the notice.
- Candidates who have qualified the examination will have to appear for the document verification process from 10 am to 12 noon.
- The records of successful candidates will be verified on May 27 and 28 for RO, ARO, and ARO posts.
- Along with this, the Commission has also released the program of verification of records of successful candidates for 582 posts of RO, ARO, ARO Accounts, and RO Hindi and Urdu in Uttar Pradesh Secretariat, as per the official notice.