The UP Police answer key has been released by the UPPRPB or Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board.

The exams were conducted on January 27, January 28, 2019. The answer keys are available on the official website of UPPRPB:
The exams were held for the constable recruitment.

The objects can be raised on the answer keys by the candidate before the deadline stated by the State Police Recruitment Board.

The candidates can click here to download Answer Keys:

Recently, UP Police Constable Female Third List (DV) has been released and is available online. The third list of Female candidates for document verification has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotional Board (UPPRPB).

The list has been released in the official website. The candidates who applied for the same can visit the official website and check the list. The candidates are advised to report to exam conducting authority for the document verification centre as mentioned in the list against their names.