The (NIOS) has announced its Senior Secondary (Class X) result on Monday.

The students who appeared in the exam can check their result on our website now. The Class X exam started on April 03 and it ended on April 30

Issuing a statement on its official website NIOS said that "The results will be declared as scheduled." To access the result candidates need to submit their Roll Number/Name provided in the admit card.

JEE Advanced result 2014 will be out on June 19

The statement also said that "Candidates can get their copy of the relevant portion of the result from the Accredited Vocational Institutions immediately after the declaration of results." 

Marksheet, provisional certificate and migration-cum-transfer certificate will be issued to the successful candidates directly through their respective AIs. NIOS has already declared class 12th result.

The entire team of wishes all the students best of luck for their results.

To check your result