New Delhi

With West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education (WBBME) declaring this year's results on Tuesday, a Hindu girl ranked eight in the merit list of the Class X final examination.

Prashama Sasmal, student of the Khalatpur High Madrasah in Howrah, scored 729 marks out of 800.

"No one in my family had any knowledge of the subjects before. I have not got my mark sheet but I think I have got 97 in Islam Parichay and 64 in Arabic, which is compulsory optional subject," the student told The Hindu.

While 52, 115 candidates appeared for the exam, about 2, 287 were non - Muslim students.

"She has made all of us proud and set an example for all students in the area. She is exceptionally bright and we are fortunate to have a student like her. With proper encouragement and support, she will go a long way," said Nurul Islam, the Madrasah headmaster.

"West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education Examination-2017 Results published on 16/05/2017 at 11 AM," read a notification on

Simple steps to check the result as follows:

Step 1: Log onto
Step 2: Click on West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education Examination-2017 option.
Step 3: Three options will pop up - High Madrasah Examination, Alim Examination and Fazil Examination.
Step 4: Enter Roll Number and Date of Birth.
Step 5: The result will pop up on the screen.

Image Courtesy: The Hindu