Researchers are developing a 'smart closet' that has the artificial intelligence to suggest occasion-based and colour-appropriate outfits.

The Magic Closet is a computer programme, under development at the National University of Singapore and the Chinese Academy of Science. The motion-controlled programme suggests suitable outfits for different occasions, Tech-NewsDaily reported.

Although the Magic Closet is a lab project, it's almost ready for store shelves, Si Liu and Shuicheng Yan, computer scientists at the National University of Singapore , wrote to the website.
"The Magic Closet can be used as a mobile personalized clothes management app. It can also be used as a plug-in system in online shops (eg,, to help customers to choose suitable clothes," they said.

The closet software makes outfit suggestions for 10 different occasions , including weddings, funerals , work and dates. It can also match clothing to an item the user already knows he or she wants to wear. The software draws clothing suggestions from both the user's own wardrobe and online shops.

To figure out rules for the closet , Liu, Yan and their team gathered more than 24,000 photos of outfits from online shopping sites and photo-sharing communities such as Flickr. They looked for photos that were highly rated, to catch fashionable combinations.

They also asked people on Amazon's Mechanical Turk, a website where people get paid to finish small tasks online, to match their photos with occasions and such keywords as "V-shape collar" or "plaid pattern" . They then wrote a computer programme to analyse the tagged photos, looking for rules they could add to the recommendation system.