Cracking exam with flying colours is difficult but not impossible. If you are determined to clear the exam then it is very important to gear up for the preparations right away.
The following tips will help you with the preparations.

Follow these tips a few months before the exam:
•    It is very important to manage your time efficiently. Make a proper study routine and stick to it.
•    Make sure to complete the syllabus with sufficient days left for revision. 
•    Make room for every subject in your daily routine. Do not overburden your mind with a single subject.
•    Board exams are all about knowledge and speed. Learn some tricks to solve questions quickly.
•    Take a lot of mock tests during the study period to test your position for the exams.

Strategy during the exam:
•    Being smart is the basic key to success. 
•    Time is very important. This is why mock tests and solving previous exam papers is important during the studies.
•    All sections in the examination are equally important.
•    Do not put your efforts in only one or two subjects else you will lack behind in comparison to other students.
•    Self-assessment is very important to be successful in the exam. 
•    Make proper notes and consult prescribed study material to understand concepts quickly.