DU Exams 2022: The Delhi University Exams 2022 (DU Exams 2022) are slated to be conducted in the offline mode for the students of the even semester (Semester II, IV and VI) in the month of May 2022. Ahead of the soon-to-be held exams, the university has altered some of the exam rules, as well as the paper pattern for the students. Detailed information in this regard is also published on the official website of Delhi University at du.ac.in.
DU Exams 2022: New rules for students writing the exam

Some of the changed/revised rules for the exam have been mentioned herewith for the reference of the university students.
  1. Exams are being conducted in the offline mode after a long academic hiatus of two years. Considering the same, the university has decided to give an additional time of 30 minutes to all the students to write the paper. This provision has been introduced, keeping in mind the fact that students had not been used to giving offline exams from the past two years.
  2. The offline exams held by the university will contain more choices in papers, from now onwards. The university has announced to inform all the faculty members and college departments to introduce additional choices in question papers. This measure is likely to be implemented only this time, as students are still on the brink of adjusting themselves to offline exams.
  3. The university will conduct a second round of exams for those students, who had registered for the exams, but failed to appear in it owing to justifiable reasons.
  4. Furthermore, complete assistance would be provided to the students to prepare them well for the exams. All students will be provided study material, which would vary from one department to other.