The D-Day is here. You have been studying extensively for the past few days or months, and now on the day of exam, this is what you should do:

Wake Up early

Wake up early on the day of exam. Revise what you have been studying till yesterday night. It is believed that the morning is the best time for revision, this is the time when our brains works the best. But do not start studying anything new, only revise what you have already studied.

Have a light yet filling Breakfast

The breakfast should be light and healthy which should keep you full for the next three hours and also should not be heavy to make you feel dizzy.

Remember to carry essentials

In the hurry and stress of exams, do not forget to carry the necessary things like admit card, stationary, stop watch, extra pens and pencils, ID card etc.  
Start Early from home

You must reach the examination center at least 15 to 20 minutes before the scheduled time of the exam. This will avoid panic at the last minute.

Stay Calm

As you reach the exam center, do not get stressed by the aura and by watching the nervous fellow students. You must keep your calm and stay relaxed.

Stop revising before 30 mins

Close all the books and notes before 30 minutes of the exams. This will help you relax your mind. Do not get bothered and instigated by the fellow students who will tell you that a certain "Concept" is more important and must be read. Concentrate on what you have already studied.

Sleep well a night before

You must not spend the entire night studying. A healthy and relaxed mind is crucial for performing better in the exams. Lack of sleep will not let you focus and concentrate on your paper. You will feel tired, dizzy and exasperated.

Be hydrated

Don't forget to keep drinking water. Experts believe that water is important for the functioning of brain.