Chemistry has always been a subject of worry for the students. But don’t think it’s not possible. Yes, you can also clear the exam if you follow the crucial tips below.

Exercises for improving concentration

Your concentration is said to be good if you have a good capacity to focus on a certain thing. Concentration power can be developed and improved. It is not too difficult to take out 10 to 15 minutes of time on a daily basis to practice some exercises to improve your concentration power.

Stick to the syllabus

Most of the students think that making an extra effort will help in the exam. This is where they fail to understand the importance of the syllabus. In 99.99% cases, there is not even a single question out of the syllabus in final exams. Stick to your syllabus and prescribed NCERT books. If you have any time left in the end, check the previous years’ papers and some do some mock tests.

Find your weaknesses

Every student is weak in one subject or one topic. You should know where you lack behind and you should work on your weak points whenever you find some time. Start debugging your mistakes and try to get rid of them. Take help of your teachers whenever required.

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यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा 2018: रसायन शास्त्र में अच्छे अंक लाने के लिए अपनाएं ये टिप्स