Every year lakhs of students appear in the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) exam. It is one of the most prestigious exams that the commission conducts every year. The competition is getting more aggressive every year. The date of exam is getting closer and it is important to pull up your socks and start the preparations with full determination. By keeping a few points in mind, you can easily crack the exam with flying colors.

Follow these tips a few months before the exam:

·        It is very important to manage your time efficiently. Make a proper study routine and stick to it.

·        Make sure to complete the syllabus with sufficient days left for revision.

·        Make room for every subject in your daily routine. Do not overburden your mind with a single subject.

·        SSC exams are all about knowledge and speed. Learn some tricks to solve questions quickly.

·        Take a lot of mock tests during the study period to test your position for the exams.

Strategy during the exam

·        Time is very important. You will have 120 minutes to solve 200 questions that mean less than a minute for every question. This is why mock tests and solving previous exam papers is important during the studies.

·        Prefer to go for GS section first. Mark those questions which you are sure about but do not make wild guesses.

·        Next should be English. Do not spend more than 25 minutes on it.

·        The next section should be the reasoning. You can spend up to 35 minutes in this section.

·        The last one is the Quant section in which you will have around 45 minutes for 50 questions. This section will define your merit in the exam so be very careful.

·        Spend last 10 minutes in filling up the answer sheet and check the paper before giving it back.

Though it is not a very tough exam but every single question will matter a lot due to the fact that there are lakhs of students appearing for the exam.