Worried about upcoming exams? Try these tips to ease your stress:

Think Positive

Stress happens when you think too negative. If you are confident that you have prepared enough and you are going to give your best, then why worry? Do not spend your time thinking too much, rather put all your efforts into studying and making the best use of the remaining time. This will help you perform better which will augment your self-confidence and all the negative thoughts will go away.

Time management

An effective time management is the key before and during the exams because the time is less and you have to study more. Have a close look at the syllabus and prioritize on what needs more attention. Manage your time in a way so that every hour you take a break for 5-10 minutes, take a walk, watch TV and have a snack. This will relieve your stress and you can go back to study with a fresh mind.
Eat well

Many students skip their meal because of the fear of impending examinations, which is very wrong. Empty stomach will never let you concentrate and you will get physically weak too. It is very important to remain healthy and fit during exams. Try eating frequent and light meals instead of heavy meals which might make you feel dizzy. Eat a lot of nuts as they enhance the functioning of brain.

Sleep well

This is yet another serious mistake that students do. They keep studying the whole night, hence getting dark circles, loss of appetite, tiredness, dizziness and all this leads to stress. The students must not compromise on the sleeping hours.

Talk to someone

If you feel stressed, talk to someone whom you trust upon. When they counsel you, you will get an instant energy and motivation.

Start studying Early

The root cause of the stress is when you think that you are not prepared enough. So this is the first thing you have to work upon. Start studying much ahead of the exams to avoid the panic at the last hour.