PhD, Doctorate in Philosophy, is a doctorate degree or training in a particular subject or discipline. PhD involves a lot of state of the art research and thesis. You can pursue PhD after completing Master’s degree.

Job Prospects

Industrial Research and Development (IRD) usually hire a group of PhDs students. IRD use their expertise in carrying out relevant research and designing the new products.

Many PhD students also get a chance of joining finance and consulting companies as research analysts, consultants and auditors. They are paid well for their superior analytics ability and problem solving skills.
With rapid growth in private sectors, the scope for PhD has increased. Almost every corporate understands the importance of research for their business, and in coming years the demand for more research will become even more significant.

It has been observed that many PhDs join start-ups. Sometimes they join just after completing their PhD and some join after a few years.

While some PhD students associated with universities and institutes for teaching or consulting positions, the salaries in academics have risen considerably in last few years. There are also bright chances to move abroad and garner a global experience. In fact, in other countries a PhD gets a chance to work with scientists.