In a bid to trace speeding vehicle in the campus, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has installed a Smart Traffic Monitoring System (STMS) to identify drivers and the name plate. 

“We have put in place these traffic monitoring systems installed with a mechanism which identifies cars which are speeding,” Deputy Director (Strategy & Planning) M Balakrishnan told Hindustan Times. 

Important facts about STMS 
The STMS has been developed in collaboration with Vehant Technologies. 
The STMS will detect the vehicle speeding and send a warning message to the drivers. 
As of now we have just one camera installed near the IIT hospital 

About IIT Delhi 

To contribute to India and the World through excellence in scientific and technical education and research; to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society; and remain a source of pride for all Indians.


To generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and to promote academic growth by offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes.