National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has initiated the process for development of Learning Outcomes for Classes IX to XII based on competencies and skills, that every child is expected to achieve in all subject areas.   

The learning outcomes focus on the competencies free from particular content of various books used by central and state schools.

Teachers will keep learning outcome at fore front and will use various teaching- learning resources.

This will reduce dependence of teachers on the textbooks and will also change the mandate/ responsibility of teacher from finishing up a book in a year to providing opportunities and facilities to learners in achieving competencies and skills as per learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes focus on the construction of knowledge through enriched experiences within and outside the class rooms obviating the need of students in memorizing many facts and figures as they will enjoy. 

Clearly defined learning outcomes also help parents and other stake holders in continuous assessment of the progress with which children are learning and may also help either individually or through school system in ensuring the achievement of learning outcomes.

The children then enter the next class with minimal deficiency which too can be bridged by the teachers as various competencies and skills will be overlapping in various classes.
The development of learning outcomes will be a partnership among NCERT, SCERTs, educational researchers, various other organisations working in the area of school education and educational administrators.

As a usual practice the drafts of the documents will be shared with the public and state governments and will be finalised on the basis of comments/suggestions/feedback obtained.

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Upendra Kushwaha recently in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.