Three day National Yoga Olympiad concluded at All India Council for Technical Education, in Delhi on June 20, 2018.

Prizes to the children of winner states were distributed by the Chief Guest on the occasion Eric Falt, Director and UNESCO Representative to India, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Speaking on this occasion, Eric Falt lauded the efforts of the children in performing Yoga.

He said that Yoga reaches beyond gender, culture and language. If understood correctly, it even reaches beyond age and ability and socially, it is also a great equalizer.
He said that the International Yoga Day is a great initiative of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and UNESCO is proud to support it.

He informed that Yoga is also inscribed since 2016 on UNESCO’s Representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

He also shared his concern around the world on education systems which are becoming overly competitive, stress-fuelled and exam-oriented.

He shared anxiety on rising trends of intolerance and violent extremism on one hand and increasing levels of angst and depression among the youth on the other hand and felt that this is where Yoga comes into being.

The awards were given in four categories –

1. Upper Primary (Girls) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Sikkim team, the Silver medal by the Gujrat team and Bronze medal by the Delhi a team.

2. Upper Primary (Boys) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Gujrat team, the Silver medal by the Delhi team and Bronze medal by the Tamil Nadu team.

3. Secondary (Girls) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Sikkim team, the Silver medal by the Manipur team and the Bronze medal by the Delhi team.

4. Secondary (Boys) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Delhi team, the Silver medal by the Haryana team and the Bronze medal by the Karnataka team. Regional Institute of Education, (RIEs)

5. Upper Primary (Girls) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Bhubaneshwar team, the Silver medal by the Bhopal team and Bronze medal by the Mysuru a team.

6. Upper Primary (Boys) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Bhopal team, the Silver medal by the Mysuru team and Bronze medal by the Bhubaneshwar team.

7. Secondary (Girls) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Bhopal team, the Silver medal by the Mysuru team and the Bronze medal by the Bhubaneshwar team.

8. Secondary (Boys) – The Gold medal was bagged by the Bhubaneshwar team, the Silver medal by the Mysuru team and the Bronze medal by the Bhopal team.

In the welcome address to the gathering of around 500 participating students, teachers and parents, Professor Hrushikesh Senapaty, Director NCERT congratulated the teachers and students who have come from District Level to State Level and finally to the National Level to participate in National Yoga Olympiad-2018.

He pointed out that Yoga creates constructive thinking which helps in better concentration, which is necessary to get any kind of success in life.

Yoga is a part of our culture and we should transmit our forefather’s culture to our next generation.

He further stated that, it is only possible to stay healthy in mind and body, if the body is active and the mind is peaceful.
To create a balance between these two is called Yoga.

He congratulated the children who won the medals and suggested that this Olympiad should not be considered as a competition but should be adopted as a part of a daily routine.

He added with the efforts and initiative of Prime Minister, the entire world has agreed to celebrate 21 st June in the form of International Yoga Day, The Dean Academic of NCERT Professor Saroj Yadav encouraged the children, saying that every participant is a winner as they participated at different levels in their Blocks, Regions and States – the very reason that they were at the National level.

She said that Yoga is a journey of the self, for the self and to the self. She further informed that the awareness about yoga is increasing as 26 states and union territories have participated in National Yoga Olympiad – 2018 as against 25 in 2017.

Hopefully all the states/UTs will be able to participate in the coming year.

She emphasised, that good health is fundamental right of children and yoga can provide them a good health. She extended her gratitude to all jury members for their great contribution.

Professor MP Poonia, Vice Chairman, AICTE and Amarendra Behra, Joint Director Central Institute of Education Technology also spoke on this occasion.