New Delhi

National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) is one of the tough exams to crack and involves a lot of hard work, planning and strategy. Some of the ways to crack NEET in the very first attempt are recommended here:

Know Focus Areas
Just mugging up heavy and bulky books is not going to solve the purpose. You must know which chapters and topics to focus on. The syllabus of NEET exam is very wide so it is not possible to learn everything hence you must focus on the important topics.

Choose your books carefully
It is equally important to select good books. You can take the help of experts like teachers or professors, or your seniors who have been through this exam. They might recommend you the best books and study material to buy. You can also research for some papers online.

Make a Study plan
You should make a study plan where one can list down which date you are going to concentrate on which subject. At the end of the plan, you may check if you have missed out anything. You can make weekly or fortnightly plan depending on your convenience. However, only making the plan is not going to help, you must adhere to it.

Find out your weak areas
It is not wise to overlook the subject you are weak in, thinking it is not your cup of tea. You will be able to qualify the NEET exam in first attempt only if you have a hold on all the subjects. Hence, you must identify your weaker section and work on it.