When a student qualifies class XII it becomes crucial for him to choose his next course of action. For a prospering and growing career, it is very important to choose right course or right profession as per his interest.
We mainly have three streams: Science, Commerce, and Arts. Let us discuss the career options steam wise.
Career options for Commerce Student
•    Chartered accountancy (CA): To become a CA, the student may join a CA course after qualifying class XII.
•    BBA or MBA: To enter the corporate word, it is essential to get a BBA (bachelors on business administration) and then MBA (Masters in Business Administration) degree from a good and reputed institute.  
•    Company secretary (CS): Students will have to apply for a company secretary course after class XII examination.
Career options for Science Student
•    BSc, MSc, and PhD: A student can pursue B.Sc by taking one science subject as the major. One can go further to do M.Sc in their specialized subject after doing B.Sc. Further, a student can do Ph.D on the same subject and become a Professor, Scientist, Geologist, Chemist, and Physicist etc.
•    Medical Science courses like MBBS, BDS, BVS, B. Pharm, D Pharm, Biotechnology, BHMS, BAMS, and Nursing.
•    Engineering in various streams for pass out of 12th students with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Career options for Arts Student
•    BA, MA and PhD: A student can pursue BA by taking one subject out of history, languages, literature, law, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology etc. Post BA, one can do MA and then PhD.