A start-up incubated by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) named as PuREnergy, has developed Lithium batteries which will be launched commercially during the Renewable Energy Expo 2018.

Lithium batteries are used as a power source for portable electronic devices; in comparison to other batteries, they have a longer life.

The lithium batteries present in the market are expensive because of the design capabilities and in-house product development, IIT Hyderabad will provide them at economical prices. 

PuREnergy was found by Dr Nishanth Dongari, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the year 2016. He believes that the batteries have a wide range in the fields from agriculture to aerospace.

This is true as batteries are used in almost every field and sector now.

Dr Nishanth Dongari also stated that a closed discussion has been initiated by the start-up with a few defence laboratories for the battery applications in tanks, missiles, and Communication Equipment.

He further added "In the MWH storage market with the strong backing from academia and our prior operational experience in the MW scale solar projects, we intend to become reliable and quality-focused players.

The startup has been the first to develop solar hybrid system combining battery backup and grid synchronization with solar PV (converts sunlight to electricity) and reducing the weight by four times in comparison to lead-acid technology and deliver high discharge currents, which is to be achieved by doping of anodes and cathodes, they need to work under harsh environmental conditions.

Till now PuREnergy has served more than 100 clients which include Telangana Government, pharmaceuticals, real estate, hospitals and non-governmental organizations at the national level.

Battery charging at room temperature increases the life by 50% compared to charging them at hotter ambient conditions.

PuREnergy strongly believes that battery swapping station will also pick up in India.

To offer total lower cost of ownership, efficient thermal management systems to enhance lifespan by 50% for Indian conditions, the team has built expertise in the battery design by choosing application specific cell chemistry.

Interesting behaviours of Lithium batteries their research investigation found If a normal charging station is used, the life cycle of a typical EV Battery is found around 2500.

But if an ultra-fast charger is used to charge the same battery, it dramatically reduces to 500.