To make sure you get through the UPSC exam, IAS interview is an important milestone. Unfortunately, most of the students take it lightly and by the time they understand the real potential of the interview, the time for preparation had already passed. To prepare for IAS interview, the candidate has to keep a lot of things in mind. We have noted down some of the most important points that will help you throughout the preparations.

1.      Understand yourself

The initial questions are mostly related to your bio-data, hobbies and other facts about you. The interviewers want to know whom they are talking to. Make sure you are well aware of the facts you have written in your bio-data, know basics of your hobbies and do not fumble while answering a personal question. Taking mock interviews will help you in achieving this.

2.      Learn to live without cell phones

Cell phones are prohibited inside the interview room. Most of the interviewers take an offense if the phone rings in the middle of the interview. Try to spend most of your time without the mobile phone. It will also help you in increasing your concentration.

3.      Keep yourself updated

Do not stop reading newspapers and listening to the news. There will be a good amount of time where the interviewers will ask you questions related to current affairs. Make sure you are updated about the facts about the nation and world.

4.      Answer as an IAS officer

No one is looking for a common man in an IAS officer to be. You will face tricky questions where common man and an IAS officer will act differently. Make sure you prepare yourself to answer about different scenarios. There are books available that have potential questions that can be asked during IAS interview. Also, check what type of questions has been asked in the past during interviews.

Cracking the IAS interview is not a difficult task if you prepare yourself properly. Make sure to work on your personality and dress well for the interview.