Communication skills are very important. It is a way to present your thoughts in words.

It is an act to transfer information from one to another.

Communication not only confined to being verbal, there are a lot forms of communication such as Listening, Verbal communication, Non verbal communication, Interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, written communication and many more.

The ability to communicate with your surrounding is essential.

Here are few effective points which can help you to communicate:

1. Listening- in an order to answer correctly one should observe and listen to the other person’s point view. It does helps to be a great speaker, but a good listener is important for a healthy conversation as well as for healthy output.

2. Empathy: it always better to think from the ones perspective, it’s more important to know the other person’s situation or thought process, there opinion no matter you agree on the point they mention. One should always Show empathic behaviour.

3. Patience: one should wait for their turn while putting out some words. It’s not necessary to agree on the point which the other person shows. But it is always good to wait for your chance to speak. Also, speaking out of frustration or frustration through body language can lead to an unsuccessful result.

4. Clarity: speak your mind out, but clearly and carefully. Remember your one bad word can offend the other person. Clarity in speech is very important. At your workplace it is important be polite with your co workers or your boss or anybody for that matter.

A good communication leads to a good mental health!