You must have noticed almost every job advertisement consists of good communication skills as one of the requirements.

No doubt it’s the most essential thing required in the workplace.

The world of communications has evolved a lot in the past few years.

 It’s not an era where people can simply sit behind a system and take pensions after 20 years of working in the same office.

In this era, presentation matters the most and for presentation, your communication should be good.

Communication now is no more an act of transferring information from one place to another. It has become a wider term in itself.

It has become a key to the output of any work. Through communication itself we have our 80%work done.

 If we are not able to present our work it is not considered complete.

At a workplace, no matter whichever position we are on communication is the one-stop solution for any work to be done in an organization.

Without communication nothing is possible. Even our daily errands cannot be done.

But today we will only talk about the importance of verbal communication or interaction at our workplace.

Technology has improved but not developed to a level where we just have to think and things work accordingly.

So let’s find out some advantages of communication at work

Team building- If we work in an organization it means we work in a team and if we have a team it is very important to build a working relationship with them.
Work relations can only improve if our way of communication is proper.
As communication is a two-way process, it definitely can make up for one person's weakness with the help of others' strengths.

Efficiency- It feels good if we are able to express your points clearly, if we are able to interact with our colleagues well, and communicate with our clients or customers more effectively.
This can be possible through communication to make us more efficient at work.

Networking- It will be a matter of concern for the organization if our proposal is good, we have a great appearance, and all the preparations are on point, but we lose a client or a deal just because of our communication.
Every organization works on networking or contacts it is very important for us to know how to communicate with a client to make a deal possible.

Influencing Personality- Having good communication skills is important but what is more important is using good communication skills.
It is not possible that all the people you encounter have the same personality or same interest so we should know what to speak where and this comes when we communicate.   

Strong management- Maintaining strong working relationships at all levels is one of the biggest goals of any organization.
Communication can make it possible without putting any extra effort into it.
When we have a good bond with everyone at work we will be able to manage our work better.
If we notice, its mostly coordination which is required in teamwork.    

Needless to say that communication not only grows the organization but also makes the internal system strong.